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WeLcOmE tO My BloG!!!....

Friday, April 15, 2011

Yesterday, me and hubby went to watched RIO at MBO, Klang. For thus who never went there, a little info about the place. MBO Klang is a new cinema and thus very comfortable and exciting. MBO has a prepaid card that allow the user to have discount when buying the ticket. My husbby is a card holder so we got discount, heeee...heeee.
So yesterday we watch the 4.45pm show in Hall 1. The price ticket is RM9 a piece and it was worth all the cent ;p
RIO is a comedy adventure animation from the creator of ICE AGE. For me personally, I gave the movie 3.5 star out of 5. The movie got love story in it, friendships plus the character is loveable and funny. The OST for the movie is also briliant, coz it have the Brazil flavor and created by

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Bagan Lalang Seafood

Bagan Lalang is a great place to relax, unwind, enjoy some fresh sea breezes and at the same time, delicious seafood. If you arrived an hour before sunset, you will be amazed at the unspoiled beaches, fine sands and the beautiful sunset. Definitely worth the drive...
Being located close to a fishing village has also given Bagan Lalang a reputation for fresh seafood and there is no shortage of ikan bakar stalls which offers a wide range of other seafood prepared in various styles at reasonable prices.Our choice is Restoran Senandung Malam.Normally me,my hubby and family ate round RM150.
Most of the seafood come from nearby fishing village.There is many fishes you can choose siakap,kerapu,kembong,pari and etc.Our menu normally bamboo lala sweet sour,siakap 3 rasa,kerapu goreng pedas,sotong goreng tepung and most important ikan bakar with sambal and rice...slurrrppppp..

Monday, April 11, 2011

~Doa Senjata Mukmin~

Ya Allah
hanya bagi-Mu segala puji                                                    
atas nikmat kaukurniakan

Ya Allah Ya Rabbi
rahmatkanlah akan penghuluku keluarga dan para
rahmatkanlah akan segala anbia dan pesuruh-Mu
rahmatkanlah akan segala para wali dan syuhada
rahmatkanlah akan segala hamba-Mu yang beriman,
maka demi kebesaran dan kemuliaan-Mu
pula aku mohon kebajikan
pula aku mohon perlindungan,
berikanlah aku kekuatan imanku
banyak rezekiku panjang usiaku
dalam rahmat dan sejahtera-Mu.
Jauhilah daku dengan bala dan celaka
Jauhilah daku dengan dosa jahat dan duka nestapa

Ya Allah Ya Rahman
aku mohon limpah perkenan dan keampunan-Mu
aku mohon petunjuk dan keredaan-Mu.
Jadikanlah doaku ini tiang sinar cahaya
hikmatnya bisa menerangi ceruk rantau bumi
hikmatnya bisa menyapu buih-buih laut
hikmatnya bisa memindahkan setiap biji pasir Sahara.
Jadikanlah doaku ini senjataku
buatku perolehi kemenangan dunia akhirat-Mu

Ya Allah Ya Rahim
jauhilah umat-Mu
daripada pecah belah
jauhilah bangsaku
daripada lembah hina-dina
jauhilah kami
daripada jalan Kaumurka

Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku
biar pada-Mu saja
kami berlindung.

P/S: Sajak doa nukilan A.Aziz Deraman ni aku suka sangat,bila membaca rasa cam syadunye ^-^

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

windu nk balik kedah!..

Errrm...aku sebenarnye windu sgt nk blk kedah.Sejak kawen sampe lani x balik g windunye kat depa semua n buaian aku kat tepi bendang tuh hehehe..
Husband skg ada class dan nak exam lak...cian die!penat....aku malas nak cakap2 nnt takut die serba salah lak...Mgkn aku balik raya nih...aku nk cuti lama sket huhuhu...balas dendam!

pandangan dr gunung keriang..cantik kan!

dkt blkg umah aku